Recruiters receive hundreds of applications for a single position. They do have not much to go through all the details of every resume. Most of the time hiring managers spend only a few seconds scanning the applications of the candidates. During this scanning time, if they find any promising points on a candidate’s resume, they take further steps to progress candidates for an interview.

Online presence

Nowadays many employers like to hire a candidate through social media. Some recruiters prefer to learn more about a candidate by reviewing social profiles like LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter. So, try to include your brand by sharing your online portfolio in your resume. It allows the hiring managers to check your web presence and online contribution to your industry.


When hiring managers to scan your resume, they try to find some words that match the particular role. If they get some words that are relevant to the responsibilities of that position, they will pick them. Otherwise, they will like to keep it aside. So, while updating your resume or creating from scratch, try to include some keywords that are relevant to that certain post.

Highlight career progression

Recruiters are always interested in identifying whether you are a good fit for this post or not. They want to know the story of a candidate’s career. It helps them to realize the applicant’s career growth. So, it is better to include a career path that can explain why you’re applying for the position.