5 Interview Mistakes You Should Avoid 


Make the most of the interview process to highlight your best traits and make sure you stand out. Avoidable mistakes can cost you the job.


Credit: learnenglish


Lack of preparation

Preparation for an interview is essential for coming in a confident mindset and answering the interviewer’s questions. Learn about the company’s history, market position, and competitors, as well as its key individuals. Being prepared also includes determining how to get to the interview, arranging your route, and accounting for any delays.



One of the most typical mistakes candidates make is showing a negative attitude toward their current workplace. Frustrations and confrontations occur in all organizations, therefore a potential employer wants to know that you can manage yourself through these situations rather than simply quitting when they occur.


Inappropriate clothing code

Research the company’s dress code culture and be prepared to look professional when putting up exhibits. Inappropriate clothing creates bad impressions immediately in employers’ minds.


Credit: betterup


Insecurities and weak interpersonal skills

Interviewees frequently make errors such as poor eye contact, a lack of confidence in presenting answers, and a shaky handshake. Because interpersonal skills are vital in most roles, you should make an attempt to appear confident even if you are nervous.


Credit: theladders


‘We’ rather than ‘I’

The most important idea is, to be honest about your accomplishments. It is important to avoid referring to successes as something ‘we’ did rather than ‘I’. This can lead to the impression that the candidate is taking credit for a project/account in that they only played a small role.