When one dad was on the verge of a serious health scare, he had a lovely guardian angel in his corner. His wife and children were by his side throughout the entire ordeal, but it was clear that this father was the strong foundation and backbone of the family.

Even in the darkest of times, he persevered and worked hard to ensure that everyone was taken care of. His love for his family is immense and truly unending. This touching and loving story will make you cry.

Paula and John Ivanowski

Paula and John Ivanowski lived with their beautiful family in Kirkwood, St. Louis County, Missouri. Everything was going well for them until John’s health began declining—something they had never seen coming.

It turned out that John had kidney issues for which he needed medical help. As the years passed, things aggravated, and his condition worsened instead of improving. Then, one day, the Ivanowskis received lab results that shattered them to the core.

The Gut-Wrenching Diagnosis

According to one of the tests, John’s kidney had failed, and he required immediate treatment. The news came as a shock to the whole family. They couldn’t believe that something like this could happen to John. He was always so healthy and active. But now, he was suddenly facing a life-threatening illness.

Paula was especially devastated. She loved her husband very much and couldn’t imagine losing him. The family decided to stay positive and started making plans for John’s treatment right away.

They were determined to do whatever it takes to save him. John had been through a lot in his life. He’d been through more than most people could ever imagine, and he was still standing. But when his kidneys failed, it was hard for him to keep going.

He was attached to a machine that kept him alive, but the pain was unbearable. So when he received a new kidney from a donor, it meant everything to him. He could finally do what he wanted and needed to do without being in pain. It was a miracle, and he was grateful for every moment that he could spend without being attached to the machine.

Potential treatment

John’s daughter, Delayne Ivanowski, said her father was diagnosed with Immunoglobulin A deficiency, characterized by an overactive immune system that attacked his kidneys. She added that John was stubborn and hard to reason with, which made convincing him all the more difficult.

However, despite all of this, she still loved her father very much and was determined to find a way to help him. After doing some research, she found a treatment that could potentially help him and convinced him to try it. Although it was a long and difficult process, eventually John’s health improved and he was able to live a normal life again.

What is Immunoglobulin A Deficiency?

IgA nephropathy (Berger’s disease) is a kidney disease that occurs when IgA, a protein produced by the immune system, builds up in the kidneys and damages the kidney tissue. The exact cause of IgA nephropathy is unknown, but it is thought to be caused by a combination of genetic and environmental factors.

Symptoms of IgA nephropathy include proteinuria (protein in the urine), hematuria (blood in the urine), and hypertension (high blood pressure). Treatment for IgA nephropathy involves controlling symptoms and preventing further damage to the kidneys. There is no cure for IgA nephropathy, but early diagnosis and treatment can help prevent kidney failure.

One of the significant risk factors for IgA nephropathy is having a family history of the disease. Studies have shown that if you have a first-degree relative with IgA nephropathy, you may be at a higher risk of developing the disease. However, it’s important to note that having a family history of the disease does not guarantee that an individual will develop it.

The disease is most commonly diagnosed in people between the ages of 30 and 50. Although the reason for this age range is not entirely clear, some researchers believe that changes in the immune system as people age may be a contributing factor.

Declining Health

John had been feeling off for a while. He was tired all the time and just didn’t have the energy he used to. His wife Paula and daughter Delayne suggested he get a checkup, but he brushed it off. Eventually, though, he relented and went in for some tests.

The news was bad—he was suffering from kidney failure and would eventually need a transplant. John was devastated. He refused to believe it at first, questioning the authenticity of the results.

But another round of tests confirmed what everyone had been dreading—his kidneys were failing and he needed help. Months passed and John’s health continued to decline. He was an active man, always on his toes, but now he felt drained and unwell all the time.

Owing to his exhaustion and fragile state, his family urged him to get another checkup. This time, there was no denying the truth—John’s kidneys were failing and he needed a transplant to survive.

Painful Treatment

John had been struggling with his health for a while, but things took a turn for the worse when his nephrologist called him into the clinic. The doctor told John that he wasn’t sure how much time he had left to live—it could be as little as two days or as much as two months.

John was immediately signed up for emergent dialysis treatment, which made him feel much better. However, this treatment required him to go to a dialysis center three times a week and sit down for three to four hours each time—a lifestyle that John wasn’t suited for.

Details of the dialysis

When kidney function begins to fail, dialysis treatment can help extend a person’s life. In kidney dialysis, blood is filtered through a machine that removes wastes and extra fluid. This process replaces some of the functions of the kidneys.

There are two types of kidney dialysis: hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis. Hemodialysis is the most common type and is usually done in a hospital or outpatient center. With this type of dialysis, a small amount of blood is removed from your body and passed through the filter of the machine.

The clean blood is then returned to your body through another needle in your arm. Peritoneal dialysis is done at home using a special abdominal cavity-filling solution known as dialysate.

During this type of dialysis, a small catheter (tube) is surgically inserted into your abdomen so that the solution can be directly infused into your peritoneal cavity, where it mingles with your blood. The solution then drains out through the same catheter after about 30 minutes to an hour so that it can be discarded.

John Disapproved

John had been receiving treatment for his Kidney disease for quite some time, and it had gradually begun to take its toll on him. He was in constant pain, and his loved ones could see the suffering he was going through. They wanted to help ease his pain in any way possible, but he was reluctant to accept their help.

Finally, John’s daughter Delayne offered to give one of her kidneys to him. Despite the selfless act, John refused. He didn’t want her to sacrifice her own health for him. In his mind, he was already living on borrowed time and didn’t want to put her at risk as well. So, Delayne wasn’t an option.

In Need Of A Kidney Transplant

John had been sick for a long time. His kidneys were failing and he was in need of a transplant. He was on the waiting list, but his health was deteriorating rapidly. His family was desperate to find a donor.

John had been waiting for a kidney transplant for years. He was on the list, but there were never any donors available. His health was deteriorating and he was getting desperate. One day, out of the blue, a donor became available and John was able to get his transplant. It was a miracle.

Becoming the Donor

Delayne’s father was a headstrong man, and she inherited his determination. When her fatherJohn was diagnosed with cancer, she set out to find a way to help him. She contacted his doctors and underwent a series of tests, including blood samples, X-rays, chest and CT scans, and an EKG.

Finally, she received the news she had been hoping for—she was a perfect match and qualified as a donor! John’s surgery was scheduled for November 2022, but it was postponed after he had an accident and broke his heel bones and L2 vertebrae. He spent six weeks in a wheelchair recovering from the fall before he was able to have the surgery.

The Big Reveal

John’s surgery was finally rescheduled for February 16, 2023. Delayne had been working secretly in the background for months, and John had no idea what was happening. On the day of the transplant, John was utterly oblivious to his donor’s identity.

When Delayne walked through the door, it only dawned on Mr. Ivanowski when he was able to connect the dots. He recalled: “[Delayne] opened the door and came through and I was just like oh my lord (sic).” The moment was captured on film and it was a heartwarming moment for all involved.

The Dad Was Moved to Tears

Delayne’s surgery was a success! The 25-year-old shared emotional footage of her dad’s reaction on Facebook and TikTok, where it garnered immense love and appreciation from netizens worldwide. Delayne was ecstatic to see her kidney working brilliantly in her dad and thanked everyone for their overwhelming support.

Although John was initially against his daughter stepping up to have surgery, his reaction was a mix of tears, gratitude, and pride. “I can’t stop crying. I mean, I was upset, but I’m so grateful,” he expressed in an emotional voice. His daughter’s selfless act has given him a new lease on life, and he is incredibly proud of her.

The Daughter’s Reaction

Although her father had never explicitly said anything, Delayne always got the feeling that he knew she was up to something. Whether it was the way he would look at her when she came home late at night or the way he would ask her pointed questions about her whereabouts, she always got the sense that he was onto her. Despite this, Delayne never let herself get too identify with whatever her father might have been thinking.

Instead, she used it as motivation to do something good in the world. And so, she started advocating for organ donation – specifically kidney donation. In Delayne’s eyes, donating a kidney was equivalent to sharing the gift of life with someone. It was an act of pure altruism and selflessness that could change somebody’s life forever. And so, she encouraged people to consider donating their organs, even if it meant going under the knife themselves.

A Renewed Chance at Life

John had been living with kidney failure for years, and it had taken a toll on his health and his life. He was attached to a machine for hours every day, and the pain was excruciating. But when his daughter Delayne offered to donate one of her kidneys, everything changed.

Suddenly, John could do anything he wanted and needed to do without being attached to a machine. He could look forward to being a husband and a father again. Delayne’s selfless act saved John’s life, and we hope they continue to celebrate many happy moments together.

Happy Ending!

Delayne’s parents had made enormous sacrifices to raise her. They had struggled and worked hard to provide for their family, and she was determined to do whatever she could to help them in their challenging times.

She also thanked her mother for her strength, patience, and helpful nature. It was because of her mother’s examples that Delayne had been able to overcome so much in life. delayne wanted nothing more than to be able to return the favor and support her parents during this difficult time.