Social media is an important part of our lives, and how we use it can have a significant impact on our employability.


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Utilize LinkedIn to your benefit

LinkedIn is used by 70% of hiring managers to find job candidates, so it is important to use it frequently and optimize your profile to connect with the right professionals.


Use social media responsibly

Employers are increasingly looking at applicants’ social media presence to determine their fit with the corporate culture, so it is important to conduct yourself professionally when using social networking sites.


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Understand your legal rights

Employers can access public social media accounts and other online public content, and may request usernames and passwords. Be aware that companies may request comprehensive personal information that cannot be found online. You have a right to privacy and should not feel compelled to disclose any information that would make you uncomfortable.

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Utilize career services for assistance

Employers can learn more about you on social media than they can from your resume or application, which helps them determine if you’d fit in with their company’s culture. Before you start your job search, take control of your internet image to promote yourself well.