This Baseball Star Regrets Ignoring This Homeless Man And Finds Out His Secret Later


Past Meets Present

As Jimmy was approaching the group, he noticed one person that looked very familiar among the homeless people he invited. The man was smiling from ear to ear, seeming to look very eager conversing with the crowd. Then it dawned on him, he knew that man. He racked his brain and finally realized who it was.

Maria Lindsey Content Creator/Pexels

Jimmy practically ran to Markus and gave him a hug. Markus was confused at first but when he realized who it was, he was teary-eyed. It was Jimmy. People found out that Markus actually had been Jimmy’s baseball coach when he was young. People were moved by the story. And although Jimmy immediately offered to buy him whatever he wanted, Markus slowly pat his shoulders and told Jimmy he was fine. All he needed was for Jimmy to keep his promise and renovate the abandoned building so he and his friends would have a place to call a home.