The cost of living rises and it becomes difficult for many families to bear broadband costs. In this situation, experts are suggesting doing more to promote discounted broadband for low-income households.

Credit: eweek

The Good Things Foundation performed a campaign to understand the digitally excluded, described data poverty. It stated that data poverty is an issue that has “grown significantly over the past two years during the pandemic”. It stated, “will only put further pressure on those on the lowest incomes, who are already having to make stark choices between having the internet connection they need and heating their house or feeding their family”. The Ofcom also mentioned that 84% of benefit recipients were unaware of social tariff packages.

Credit: economy-n

The UK authority has shared a letter to broadband firms to promote discounted broadband services. The culture secretary Nadine Dorries highlighted the increasing prevalence of digital society. She suggested raising awareness of discount broadband offers “for low-income households”.

Credit: thedailystar

Many people are struggling to pay their bills. The charity’s director of policy Matthew Upton said, “We’re hearing shocking stories of people on the lowest incomes struggling to get by, and yet they’re missing out on affordable broadband deals. It’s good to see the government applying more pressure on firms to do more to help people move onto social tariffs, but if it still doesn’t work they must consider other options.”