Google management has decided to fire employees who refuse to take COVID 19 vaccine. The tech giant announced that those who will fail to submit their vaccination documents will ultimately lose their jobs from Google.

Credit: fortune

Google’s chief Sundar Pichai requested all the employees in July to get their vaccination. Now the company asked all the employees to upload documents proving vaccination status. Google has been asking its employees for an eventual return to the office. But due to the coronavirus vaccination, it has been repeatedly delayed. The company expects that those who are attending in the workplace should be vaccinated with a full dose.

Credit: entrepreneur

A spokesperson of Google said, “As we’ve stated before, our vaccination requirements are one of the most important ways we can keep our workforce safe and keep our services running. We’re committed to doing everything possible to help our employees who can get vaccinated do so, and firmly stand behind our vaccination policy.”

According to The US Occupational Safety and Health Administration regulation, companies with 100 or more staff should make ensure that either all the employees are vaccinated or tested for Covid-19 once a week. But this rule was challenged in court, and now has been suspended pending a court ruling.

Credit: cnbc

Google said that it expects employees to come office at least three days a week. It has also decided to cut pay for those employees who want to continue working remotely. However, other tech giants are taking a different approach. For example; Twitter has suggested its staff work from home forever. Recently Facebook also said that employees can request to continue to work from home.