Instagram Returned To Post Previews Feature For Twitter


After removing the feature nine years ago, Instagram decided to back support for Twitter card preview. Now users can see a small preview while sharing an Instagram link on Twitter.

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The feature was removed when Instagram was acquired by Facebook in 2012. At that time many users criticized the decision of this removal. Because it allows the users to realize how the post will be displayed on the social media platform.

Credit: newindianexpress

At that time, the platform said that after the merge with Facebook, the company wanted to take back control of its content and it was the main reason for this removal. Instagram co-founder Kevin Systrom said Instagram was attempting to grow its web platform. It always tries to share hopes that the move would help increase traffic.

But now Twitter card previews have been started for some users. It is thought the feature would eventually be available to everyone. The more interesting part is both social media platforms are promoting the change.

Credit: mashable

Twitter’s official support account explained the recent change, “If you want to share your latest Instagram post on the Twitter timeline too, you’re in luck: now when you share a link to an IG post in a tweet, it’ll show up as a card with a preview of the photo.”