Roles & Responsibility Of A CEO


The CEO is the highest-ranking executive position of any company. The duties and responsibilities of this position articulate the structure of any company. This position means a lot to manage the company’s overall resources and operations. CEO is responsible for executing and leading the development of the organization.


A CEO of a small company needs to work in some of the mid-to low-level decisions. Sometimes they have to fill the gaps when the team is understaffed. But the main role is to use strategies and design the business goals. A CEO is a person with vision and dreams who should have the ability to bring change.


C-suite executive is one of the highest-ranking members of any organization. The person holding this highest position should have some habits like reading with intention and dealing with any situation with a positive attitude. Goal wheel setting is another habit of the c-suite executive. Most of them have a habit of early rising. Because it allows them more hours of productivity to reap.


Though there are no set or standardized roles of a chief executive officer. But a CEO must need to perform some basic roles of the business including communicating, evaluating, and monitoring the overall goal of the business. A CEO needs to communicate with shareholders and government authorities on behalf of the company. Evaluating the performance of other executives and setting strategic goals are other common roles of a CEO.