How To Handle Customers When They Are Wrong


The customer might not be right all the time. Sometimes as a business owner, you have to deal with the situation when the customer is wrong.  But business organizations need to follow some basic rules to navigate this sticky situation. These effective ways may help them to handle this situation without facing loss or damaging the business’s reputation. Here are some tips for you.


You must provide your customers with the best experience and you must make an upset customer happy. But some customers are irrational and outrageous. Sometimes they can be downright abusive too. So, it is better to admit that difficult customers exist.

You can frame the situation as “miscommunication” instead of blaming either side. Because it is the best word to use to diffuse an upset customer. In this way, you are not taking the blame for the problem, and you’re also not blaming the customer for the situation.


Then you can explain the situation and try to change the customer’s perspective. Carefully listen to your customer, acknowledge the statement, and then emphasize to resolve the issue.  If this process doesn’t work offer a different solution that works for you.


Finally, you should proceed if you can do better or minimize the communication with that particular customer. Always avoid emotional reactions and rely on facts. If your employee needs protection, provide full support. If that customer gets violent, don’t be afraid to call the police. The customer may make racist, sexist comments or deliver threatening and unacceptable remarks. In this situation, you have every right to ban the customer.