Take Advantage of The COVID Job Market with These Strategies


Although 2020 is already over, many of us are still suffering economically due to the horrible pandemic. For many of us, the goal is to get out of that financial bind and turn things around. As much as I hate being a Debbie Downer, the vaccine may be on the way, but times are still uncertain. The job market competition is still tough. Fortunately, there are still companies that are hiring right now. With all the time spent at home, this could be the perfect opportunity for you to polish up using these 3 strategies, so you come out being the best job candidate out there.

Emphasize Your Skills

Right now, companies are looking for people who are capable of dealing with technology and know how to communicate effectively. Despite it being a work-from-home situation, managers are still very busy and don’t have the time to micromanage new hires. If you also have a lot of free time on your hands, you can take this opportunity to diversify your skill set. There are a lot of free online courses that can help you learn things, or if you have skills but are not too proficient, you can use it to brush up, too.

Accept Temporary Jobs

Although hiring is a bit slow in many industries, there are still some out there that are hiring at a normal rate. The downside to this is that it’s usually a temp job and may not pay a lot, but don’t let this get you down. This is a great chance for you to show your skills and establish good rapport with managers. If, by chance, a more permanent position opens eventually, your chances of getting hired by the company are higher. If you wish to move on to better opportunities, too, it won’t be a problem, and they’ll be willing to write a recommendation letter for you.

Bring Your Resume and LinkedIn Profile Up to Date

Now is a great time to update your resume and LinkedIn profile. Make sure this time you emphasize the skills you have that is relevant to the industry you’re applying for. If you plan on applying for different industries, make a different resume and cover letter that emphasizes your experience and skills in that field.

As for your LinkedIn profile, don’t forget to update it, too. You can request recommendations from former clients and managers so people know what it’s like working for you.