Online Customer Engagement Strategies You Should Use


 A customer engagement strategy is all about keeping your customers while also increasing the number of customers you have. Having customers is important but keeping them is more important. In COVID times where everything has shifted into the digital world, it’s crucial to make use of these online customer engagement strategies.

Create An Online Community

Establishing an online community is one of the most effective ways to engage with your customers. Even until now, forums are still widely used all over the world and will probably still be here in the coming years. Since your customers most definitely spend a lot of time on social media, why not create an online community in a social media platform, like Facebook groups for example?

Listen to Feedback

Customers really appreciate it when you listen to what they have to say, but it’s not enough that you just listen and not take any action after.  Take the time to respond to feedback such as comments or reviews they leave for you. Who knows? Your customers might have the brightest ideas that could benefit your business.

Provide Exclusive Content

Make your customers feel special and appreciated by offering content that’s exclusive for members only. It’s not necessary that members have to pay for it to gain access, but you may want to provide an extra step or process they need to do to gain access. Another option is to offer discounts exclusive to members.

Celebrate with Your Customers

Whatever milestone your company achieves, make your customers feel special by celebrating with them. Don’t forget to give them credit, too, because let’s face it, you probably wouldn’t have reached this milestone if it weren’t for them. Make your customers feel like they are a part of your team and whatever you achieve is because of their help.

Finding a strategy that works best for your business does not happen overnight. Always be flexible and willing to tweak things when the strategy you’re using isn’t working. Most importantly, listen to what your customers are saying.