250GB File Uploads Will Soon Be Made Possible on OneDrive, Microsoft Teams And SharePoint


When you think that 100GB of file size limit is still not enough, Microsoft has announced that it will soon allow the uploading of bigger file sizes to 250GB on OneDrive, Teams and SharePoint. They have also said that support for this upgrade will launch at the end of January 2021 and that availability for this feature to the general public will be some time end of the first quarter of 2021.

In their announcement, Microsoft explained that it managed to raise the file size limit to 250GB by optimizing storage for upload performance. Basically, what happens when you upload a big file is that each file is split into small bits and pieces and each piece is then encrypted with a unique key. Aside from that, all of the files that are uploaded are automatically backed up in Azure Storage.

Large files such as 8K or 4K videos, 3D models, large scientific datasets, projects of all sorts and many more can be uploaded to the three avenues without fault. This change is proving to be very useful as the greater number of people working from home will hugely benefit from this upgrade.

If you’re planning to use all the space for personal files backup, then you can do so to your heart’s desire. Microsoft has also reassured its users that only the changes they make with their collaborators are synced which will absolutely help shorten the amount of time it takes to sync when saving the file.