Three Main Distinctions Between The Employed And The Self-Employed


It’s never easy when you work for someone. You go to work and make money for your boss only to be given a small paycheck can be so unnerving at times. And yet, so many of us continue to work for employers. Lucky for the others that break the chain when they decide to open up their own business. So what is the difference between someone that’s employed and someone who’s their own boss?

Burning Passion

People who are self-employed do what they do not just because they need to make money, but because they have a passion for the business and they do everything to pursue it. This drives them to push themselves to the limit thereby being able to produce quality work. For employees, every day is seemingly redundant. Sometimes, they require a push to finish projects especially if it’s something they’re not so passionate about.

Lifelong Learning

For most, graduating from school symbolizes the end of learning. This is not true and is a wrong way to look at life. Every day is a constant learning process that as an individual, in order to grow in all aspects of life whether professional or personal, you will need to be open to this notion and master it. Self-employed people have this mindset which definitely helps them succeed.


Employed people are too afraid to jump into uncharted waters only because they are afraid of the loss that comes with putting up your own business. There is no way to tell the future, so the fear is understandable. However, with self-employed people, they don’t see setting up a business of their own as risk-taking, instead, they refer to it as being cautious. They dive in head first and try to make smart decisions from there.

Overall, it’s the way that self-employed people look at things differently than most. They have an attitude of making work, work for them so in turn, this mindset helps them become well-rounded businesspeople that can overcome any hurdles.