How to Have The Right Voice for Sales


 As someone who works in sales, you know how important having the right voice is. In fact, your voice is probably what determines whether you’ll get a sale or not. In a face-to-face setting, this wouldn’t be much of a problem, but in a phone call situation, your voice is your biggest weapon. If you spend more time doing business over the phone, it might be time to think about whether your voice is fit for sales talk or you need to change it up a bit.

When you have a phone call, do you often listen to how you talk? Does your tone project confidence? Does it project strength? Or perhaps it sounds monotonous and boring? If you can’t figure this out, try and record yourself while you talk and listen to it. If you were a listener, what does the speaker sound like? If you can’t really judge yourself, you could also grab a co-worker and ask for their constructive criticism.

Another thing to take note of when speaking is voice inflection. This allows you to put emphasis on words and emotions to prove your point to an audience. Putting emphasis on certain words in a sentence is already enough to alter the meaning of a sentence. Try saying the sentence, “I didn’t say the boy did it” by emphasizing a different word each time and you’ll know what I mean.

How your deliver your message is also of importance. You have to sound engaging and eager to pitch something. Tone is not enough if you want to keep your listener interested. The key to this is practice. It’s best to have familiarized it enough to the point where you sound natural and confident. That is the secret to good delivery.

Lastly, you should also be wary of the speed at which you talk. Don’t sound like you’re competing for the Guinness World Record for fastest speaker. Speak at a pace where your speaker can hear all points being made but not slow enough that they’ll want to hang up even before you’ve finished your first sentence.

The more aware you are of these points, the easier it is to detect them every time you talk. More often than not, you can train your voice through practice over time. Sometimes, it’s also good to ask a voice coach to help out on the things that you have a hard time with the most. Who knows? Your voice could be the key to your success in life.