Make 2021 Your Year with These 5 Strategies


2020 is finally over! Now it’s time to make 2021 my year. Okay, we’re still in the middle of a pandemic. That doesn’t mean you don’t set goals for this year, though. If you do have goals but aren’t quite sure what to do or how to get started, I’ve got five strategies to help you kick-start your year.

Create a 2021 career plan

2020 was a rough year for all of us at work. Think about all the setbacks or the hurdles you had to go through last year. Then, think about how you want to proceed this year. What are your goals, career-wise? What do you want to prioritize this year? What can you do to realize these goals as the year progresses? Write at least three goals you want to achieve this year for your career. Use these questions as a guide and an inspiration to motivate yourself.

Set Tangible Goals

Your goals should reflect what you want to achieve. Make them attainable, but also a bit challenging so you can push yourself. What accomplishments do you want to have by the end of the year? How will these accomplishments affect you moving forward?


It’s easy to start the year by promising to achieve your goals… and it’s also very easy to forget about them in a week. Which is why it’s important for you to visualize often and never forget about your goals. I have to admit, I’m terrible at keeping track of my goals. Because of this, I’ve discovered that writing my goals down on a sticky note and sticking them on my bedroom door helps me keep them in my mind. I stick it on my bedroom door at eye level so that whenever I open my door, it’s the first thing I see. If you think this might work for you, give it a try.

Have A Good Support System

I know there are days where you don’t want to get up and get things done. This is where your support system comes in. If you have the resources to spare, consider hiring a career coach to mentor you. If not, join a community where people will motivate you to push yourself every day. Preferably, it could be a community where everyone has the same goal in mind. Having a good support system will ensure you don’t lose track of your goals.

Believe You Deserve It

No matter how many goals you write down and even if you cover your walls with all the sticky notes in the world, if you don’t believe you can do it or if you’re too scared, you’re holding yourself back from achieving it. Accept the fact that you might fail, and that failure is how we learn. In the words of a Gen Z, manifest it. Manifest and it will happen.

There is no secret to success. Working hard, embracing failure, learning from your mistakes, and keeping your goals in mind are some things you should do if you want to make 2021 your year.