Provide A Good Customer Experience by Doing These


I know we don’t mean it, but sometimes we’re not our best when we work. Sometimes it’s because you didn’t get enough sleep, or something ticked you off earlier that day, or you’re just overwhelmed by the workload on that day. Whatever it is, unfortunately, there are times where we can’t provide the best customer service, and I know bad customer service complaints are something we want to avoid. Luckily, I have tips for you that will help you stay on your customer’s good side and keep them satisfied with your service.

Customer Service Management Program

Some reasons why customers complain of bad customer service are because of long wait times, repeating information many times, and unfriendly support. One fix to this is by establishing a customer service management (CRM) program. This will let you monitor customer information, so they don’t have to repeat information every time they call. You can also improve your CRM by training your employees with regards to proper customer interaction and requesting for feedback from your customers.

Online Solutions

Customers don’t like waiting for hours on end when they send in a query. To solve this concern, create an automated chatbot. You can customize your chatbots to answer simple queries or create automated responses. Alternatively, you can create a social media page. In it, you can create a frequently asked questions (FAQ) page to address common concerns. Include your location, customer support email and contact numbers, and opening hours on your page, too. If they send in queries, don’t forget to mention an estimated timeframe as to when they’ll get a response.

Online Community

Create an online community where your customers can answer some of the other customers’ questions. This will definitely take some load off your back. An online community is also good for your loyal customers as they can form a bond with each other and offer helpful advice when necessary. But of course, there still needs to be a mediator for it. Create a team to take part in the community forum so they can also answer harder queries and delete misleading responses from some members. Don’t forget to let your customers know you have an online forum, too.