How Many Job Applications Per Day is Ideal for a Job Seeker?


If you are at the beginning stage of job searching, you may be wondering how many applications you should process per day for a job. Though there is no hard and fast rule, the rule of thumb is you should not apply for more than 10 jobs for a single day. 5 to 10 applications are a good range while applying for jobs.


However, the quality of the job applications is more important than the number of applications. You may like to apply less if you are busy with networking, messaging hiring managers directly.  You have to remember that you might be busy with other sorts of job work like attending on-site interviews, and taking phone interviews. So, sometimes you might be applying for fewer jobs as you need to be prepared for job interviews or written tests.


Nowadays most companies are asking for online job applications. You can easily submit applications by using an online channel. But never just follow the copy and paste strategy for every single position. You need to remember that every position has a definite requirement and you have to realize the hiring manager’s specific demand and submit the application accordingly.


If you are currently working a full-time job, it might be quite difficult to manage time to apply for several positions. Then you have to make a fix a time when you can work on a job application. You also can focus on high-impact activities like networking.